It's been a long time since we spoke. Hopefully you didn't forget me. In any case I was wondering why prostitutes don't want a coffee. Email the show
I know this movie was not popular with a lot of people and frankly I don't care. That is why kids, a review is simply someone's opinion. And my opinion is KING. I've almost lost all my patrons so if you want to support a dying cause please go here and sponsor me To watch this as a video go here Click here to listen
A lot of fuss was made over this book. I'll throw you my two cents. If your currency is worth more than mine it will work in your favour. Have you read this book? Let me know what you think. The email address is Can you sponsor the show for just $1.50 a month? Click here to listen. Or there is a video on YouTube just look up Tory Idiotboxradio
Imagine you woke up with horns on your head! Oh and you could hear everyones darkest thoughts and secrets? This is the premise behind Horns, a banger of a novel by Joe Hill (he's Stephen Kings son!). I thought I would add that even though he's amazing in his own right. Can you sponsor the show for $1.50 a month? Find all my other stuff here Click here to listen to my words
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